Direct Breastfeeding Self-Efficacy of Mothers with Premature Infants |
라진숙1, 채선미2 |
1충남대학교 간호대학 2서울대학교 |
미숙아 어머니의 직접 모유수유 자기효능감 |
라진숙1, 채선미2 |
1충남대학교 간호대학 2서울대학교 |
Abstract |
Purpose The purpose of this study was to explore direct breastfeeding self-efficacy (DBSE) ofmothers with premature infants and its relations with their knowledge, attitude and family perceptionon direct breastfeeding.
Methods A cross-sectional descriptive study was employed. A total of 76 mothers with prematureinfants participated in the study from 3 neonatal intensive care units (NICU). Data were collectedusing self-report questionnaires.
Results The mothers of premature infants showed 51% of correct answers on direct breastfeedingknowledge. No one breastfed their premature infants in NICU while about a half of the mothersused bottle feeding with breast milk and formula. Almost all of the mothers with premature infants(96.1%) expressed intention to begin and continue direct breastfeeding. Their DBSE was at amoderate level, 3.09±0.65. The DBSE of the mothers with premature infants was significantlycorrelated with their knowledge, attitude, and family perception on breastfeeding. Also DBSE wassignificantly higher in those with direct breastfeeding experiences than their counterparts. Maternalprevious direct breastfeeding experience, direct breastfeeding experience in NICU, and family perceptionon direct breastfeeding significantly explained 38.8% of the variance in DBSE of motherswith premature infants.
Conclusion Our findings suggest mother of premature infants with experience of direct breastfeedingin NICU and positive family perception on direct breastfeeding seems to increase DBSE.
Therefore, NICU discharge program should include education on direct breastfeeding to thosemothers. Also family-centered approach should be developed to improve DBSE of the motherswith premature infants. |
Key Words:
breast feeding, self efficacy, premature infant, mothers, knowledge, attitude |