Risk Factors for Preterm Birth in Advanced Maternal Age |
Eun Jin
Kwon, Kyung Ju Lee, Angela Cho, Sunwha Park, Mi Hye Park, Young Ju Kim, The Korean Preterm Collaborate Network Group |
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Ewha Medical Research Institute, Ewha Womans University Medical School, Seoul, Korea |
고령 임산부에서 조산에 영향을 미치는 위험 요인 |
권은진, 이경주, 조안젤라, 박선화, 박미혜, 김영주, 국내 조산 레지스트리 그룹 |
이화여자대학교 의과학연구소 산부인과교실 |
Young Ju Kim, Email: kkyj@ewha.ac.kr |
Abstract |
Purpose To identify the potential risk factors for preterm birth (PTB) in women with advanced maternal age in the Korean population.
Methods We selected the data of 531 pregnant women and singletons in the Korean Preterm Collaborate Network Study. Among the data, we analyzed variables related to demographic characteristics, lifestyle factors, and delivery information. Maternal age was divided into two groups: younger (<35 years) and advanced (≥35 years).
Multiple logistic regression analysis was performed to identify the potential risk factors for PTB in advanced maternal age.
Results In advanced maternal age, education level, occupation, passive smoking, iron intake, and parity showed significant differences between term birth and PTB. In particular, women who were exposed to passive smoking (odds ratio [OR]=2.83, confidence interval [CI]=1.14~7.04) and had folic acid intake during pregnancy (OR=2.67, CI=1.11~6.43) were at a significantly increased risk of PTB, after adjusting for all variables.
Conclusion This study indicates that smoking and lifestyle factors are the potential risk factors for PTB in advanced maternal age. |
Key Words:
Advanced maternal age, premature birth, pregnancy, smoking, lifestyle |