The Meaning of Pregnancy and Childbirth Experience of Women in Multi-cultural Family |
오은주1, 박정숙2, 김영경3, 이현숙4 |
1창신대학교 2고신대학교 3부산가톨릭대학교 4일신기독병원 |
다문화가정 여성의 임신과 출산 경험에 대한 의미 |
오은주1, 박정숙2, 김영경3, 이현숙4 |
1창신대학교 2고신대학교 3부산가톨릭대학교 4일신기독병원 |
Abstract |
Objectives This study was aimed to understand pregnancy and childbirth experience by women from multi-cultural families who experience pregnancy and childbirth in Korea and to provide basic data for preparing nursing intervention.
Methods The participants were nine multi-cultural family women who became pregnant and gave birth within one year. Nine multi-cultural women were recruited from July to October in 2011.
Giorgi's phenomenological method was used to analyze data collected by in-depth interviews.
Results A survey of nationality with 9 women who participated in this study indicates among them 4 are from Vietnam, 1 from Japan, 2 from China and 1 from the Philippines. Concerning age distribution,1 was under the age of 20, 3 between 20~25 years old, 1 at the age of 27, 1 at the age of 31, 1 at the age of 36, and 1 at the age of 42. Concerning the types of delivery, 8 were by natural childbirth and 1 by cesarean section. Six components were identified from the meanings of pregnancy and childbirth experience : ‘Unfair treatment of a pregnant woman’ ‘No support for the information of pregnancy and childbirth’, ‘Feeling much sorry for the treatment during pregnancy childbirth and postnatal care’, ‘Many conflicts with family members during the maintenance of pregnancy and childbirth’, ‘Difficulty in eating barely palatable food during the pregnancy and childbirth’,‘Recognition as a family member through the pregnancy and childbirth’. The structure of meaning for pregnancy and childbirth experience of women in multi-cultural families was "Not be cared".
Conclusion Based on these results, it is necessary to consider systematic support system that can be with experienced experts and provide pregnancy-childbirth education offered in their own language. Their families join so that they can support them. Intervention programs provided together by experts in pregnancy and childbirth through coordinators or sisters who have experienced them first coming to Korea and are good at Korean language among women from the same countries. |
Key Words:
multi-cultural family, pregnancy, childbirth, experience |