J Korean Soc Matern Child Health Search


J Korean Soc Matern Child Health > Volume 12(1); 2008 > Article
Journal of The Korean Society of Maternal and Child Health 2008;12(1):59-73.
DOI: https://doi.org/10.21896/jksmch.2008.12.1.59    Published online January 31, 2008.
Effects of Marriage-Expectation Enhancement Program on Self-esteem, Gender Role Attitude, and Marriage-expectation for Single Person
이성희, 김미예, 홍해숙, 김희숙, 하태희
결혼기대증진 프로그램이 미혼 남녀의 자아 존중감, 성역할 태도 및 결혼 기대에 미치는 효과
이성희, 김미예, 홍해숙, 김희숙, 하태희
The purpose was to test the effects of a marriage-expectation enhancement program for single person on self-esteem, gender role attitude, and marriage- expectation.
Fitty unmarried people were recruited through a website advertisements. Volunteers were randomly assigned either to receive the option to participate in a 8 week marriage-expectation program (2 hours per week) (n=20) or to get a MBTI test at the end of the intervention (n=23). An interviewer blinded to the randomization collected questionaire data from all subjects at pre and post test. Program covered 4 thematic areas: the value of marriage, gender equity-related, marital communication, and a healthy family. The data was analyzed using χ2-test and t-test.
There was a significant difference in self-esteem and marriage-expectation score between two groups. But the gender role attitudes score in the experimental group were not significantly different from that of the control group.
This marriage-expectation enhancement program for single persons had positive effects on self-esteem and marriage-expectation but not on gender role attitudes. Longer follow-up might be needed to evaluate these effects.
Key Words: Marriage, Self concept, Gender, Role, Single person

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