The Relationships between Anxiety, Depression, Prenatal Stress, Maternal-Fetal Attachment and Gratitude |
위휘1, 박소연2 |
1목포가톨릭대학교 2전북과학대학교 |
임부의 불안, 우울, 산전스트레스와 모-태아애착 및 감사성향의 관계 |
위휘1, 박소연2 |
1목포가톨릭대학교 2전북과학대학교 |
Abstract |
Objectives The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between anxiety, depression, prenatal stress, maternal-fetal attachment (MFA) and gratitude among pregnant women. A further aim is to provide basic information so as to help improve prenatal care programs and develop nursing interventions. Methods Data was collected by means of questionnaires from a sample of 118 pregnant woman who attended three maternity hospitals. The statistical methods used for data analysis were: descriptive statistics, t-test and Pearson's correlation analysis using the SPSS 18.0 package program. Results The levels of anxiety, depression, prenatal stress and gratitude experienced by the women differed depending on the satisfaction with their husband's support. Degrees of anxiety, depression, MFA and gratitude also differed depending on the self perception of the pregnant women's health levels. There were positive correlations between anxiety, depression and prenatal stress; MFA also displayed significant positive correlations with a sense of gratitude. Anxiety and depression displayed negative correlations between MFA and gratitude. Conclusions These findings suggest that health care providers should supply prenatal care programs which include both gratitude management and prevention of negative emotions components in order to promote maternal fetal health. |
Key Words:
pregnant women, anxiety, depression, psychological stress, maternal-fetal relations, gratitude |