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Most-download articles are from the articles published during the last two years (2023 ~ ).

Psychosocial Predictors of Infertile Women’s Distress   (61 times)
이영선, 최승미, 권정혜
J Korean Soc Matern Child Health. 2019;23(2):136-146.   Published online April 30, 2019
Mediating Effect of Ego-Resiliency in the Relationship between Growth Mindset and Pregnancy Stress   (40 times)
강수경, 김해미, 정미라
J Korean Soc Matern Child Health. 2019;23(2):126-135.   Published online April 30, 2019
Factors Influencing Intention of Sexual Abstinence Among Female College Students Based on the Theory of Planned Behavior   (33 times)
유향임, 소향숙
J Korean Soc Matern Child Health. 2019;23(2):115-125.   Published online April 30, 2019
Effect of Birth Experience on Cognitive Function   (20 times)
김현준, 송준섭, 박현경, 강남미, 정진주, 김민지, 정순철, 최미현
J Korean Soc Matern Child Health. 2019;23(2):109-114.   Published online April 30, 2019
A Study on Patients’ Nursing Needs on Integrated Supportive Service Programs for the Abortion Women-Focused on Abortion Experienced Woman   (48 times)
박점미, 신나연
J Korean Soc Matern Child Health. 2019;23(2):101-108.   Published online April 30, 2019
The Association between Land Use Rate and Low Birth Weight Rate in Seoul: Ecological Study   (39 times)
곽영린, 오종민, 김민호, 예신희, 하은희
J Korean Soc Matern Child Health. 2019;23(2):93-100.   Published online April 30, 2019
Grading System for the Management of Pregnant Women   (46 times)
정현서, 안기훈
J Korean Soc Matern Child Health. 2019;23(2):75-83.   Published online April 30, 2019
Factors Affecting Female University Students’ Intention to Store Breast Milk   (21 times)
홍연란, 장군자
J Korean Soc Matern Child Health. 2019;23(1):66-73.   Published online January 31, 2019
Gender Differences in the Effects of Psychosocial Health of Adolescents with Chronic Illness on Quality of Life   (24 times)
김은경, 박숙경
J Korean Soc Matern Child Health. 2019;23(1):56-65.   Published online January 31, 2019
Impacts of Symptom Clusters, Performance and Emotional Status on the Quality of Life of Patients with Gynecologic Cancer   (32 times)
배은정, 이소연, 정향미
J Korean Soc Matern Child Health. 2019;23(1):45-55.   Published online January 31, 2019
The Status of Nutritional Supplements Nutritional Supplements and Factors affecting Health Promotion Behaviors in Pregnant Women   (38 times)
심은성, 최소영
J Korean Soc Matern Child Health. 2019;23(1):35-44.   Published online January 31, 2019
Correlations among Working Mothers’ Satisfaction with Non-maternal Infant Care, Social Support from Others, and Parenting Efficacy   (25 times)
박세은, 방경숙
J Korean Soc Matern Child Health. 2019;23(1):23-34.   Published online January 31, 2019
A Study on the Social Perceptions of the Baby Box and Infant Abandonment   (57 times)
이설아, 김희숙
J Korean Soc Matern Child Health. 2019;23(1):13-22.   Published online January 31, 2019
Renovation of Maternal-child Healthcare Centers and the National Maternal-child Medical Center Based on the Mother and Child Act   (25 times)
J Korean Soc Matern Child Health. 2019;23(1):7-12.   Published online January 31, 2019
The Isolated Oligohydramnios   (36 times)
J Korean Soc Matern Child Health. 2019;23(1):1-6.   Published online January 31, 2019
Gender-based Comparison of Knowledge on Preconception Care   (48 times)
이은주, 신은지, 손인숙, 황한성, 홍순철, 안기훈, 김영주, 박미혜, 이경주, 신종철, 위정하, 곽영린, 김은미, 박은석, 한정열, 하은희
J Korean Soc Matern Child Health. 2018;22(3):172-179.   Published online September 30, 2018
Depression and Fear about Maturation in Girls with Precocious Puberty and Depression and Anxiety in Their Mothers   (41 times)
이민주, 백성환, 박신애
J Korean Soc Matern Child Health. 2018;22(3):162-171.   Published online September 30, 2018
Prediction of Gestational Age at Birth using an Artificial Neural Networks in Singleton Preterm Birth   (18 times)
이지윤, 조수정, 정은진, 이광식, 김승우, 김호연, 조금준, 홍순철, 오민정, 김해중, 안기훈
J Korean Soc Matern Child Health. 2018;22(3):151-161.   Published online September 30, 2018
The Effects of Labor pain and Labour agentry on Perception of Delivery Experience in Puerperas Giving Birth in Midwifery Clinic   (24 times)
이선옥, 박정숙
J Korean Soc Matern Child Health. 2018;22(3):142-150.   Published online September 30, 2018

Editorial Office
Department of Obstetrics & Gynecology, Gangwon National University Hospital
156, Baengnyeong-ro, Chuncheon 24289, Korea
Tel: +82-31-412-5579    E-mail: mojapub@hanmail.net                

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