Emotional Reaction to Menarche, Support to Menarche, Children-Parents Communication and Menstrual Attitude in Middle School Female Students |
조헌하1, 김지은2 |
1수원여자대학교 2상명사대부속여자중학교 |
일 지역 여중생의 초경정서, 초경지지, 부모-자녀 의사소통, 월경태도 |
조헌하1, 김지은2 |
1수원여자대학교 2상명사대부속여자중학교 |
Abstract |
Objectives The purpose of this study is to identify middle school female students' children-parents communication, emotional reaction to menarche, support to menarche, and menstrual attitude. Methods The participants were included 311 middle school female students. Data was collected using self-administered questionnaire. Results There were significant differences in the menstrual attitude between upper 25% and lower 25% group of emotional reaction to menarche, support to menarche and children-parents communication. Emotional reaction to menarche, support to menarche and children-parents communication showed a positive correlation with menstrual attitude. Emotional reaction to menarche, support to menarche and children-mother communication showed a significant influence on menstrual attitude. These variables were accounted for 36% of menstrual attitude. Conclusion The results of this study indicate that the positive emotional reaction to menarche, support to menarche and open children-mother communication should lead to positive menstrual attitude in middle school female. |
Key Words:
menstruation, communication, emotion, menarche, support |