Effects of a Postpartum Care Program on the Knowledge and Behavior of Postpartum Recovery in Primiparous Women |
박미경1, 이영숙2 |
1남부대학교 2전남대학교 |
산후관리프로그램이 초산모의 산후지식과 행위 및 산후회복에 미치는 영향 |
박미경1, 이영숙2 |
1남부대학교 2전남대학교 |
Abstract |
Objectives This study was conducted to develop an effective postpartum care program and to evaluate the effects of the program on postpartum knowledge, behavior and recovery in primiparous women.
Methods The 64 study subjects in this quasi-experimental study comprised the primiparous women who had normal delivery at OBGY clinics in G-city and who were then cared for with the assistance of their mothers at their homes, from April 26 to August 27, 2002. The 64 participants were assigned to an intervention group of 32 mothers and a control group of 32 mothers. Data analyses were performed by using SPSS/win10.0 PC+, χ2-test and t-test were used to test the homogeneity of the two groups. Hypotheses were tested by t-test, ANOVA and Wilcoxon rank sum test.
Results The results showed that postpartum knowledge (p<0.001), postpartum behavior (postpartum performance p<0.001; provided postpartum attendance p<0.001) and postpartum recovery (functional activity p=0.042; physical discomfort p=0.008; perceived health status p=0.003) were significantly different between the two groups.
Conclusions Therefore, this postpartum care program needs to be applied as a new nursing intervention because this program was proved useful as an effective method of postpartum care.
Key Words:
primiparous women, postpartum knowledge, postpartum behavior, postpartum recovery |